Pechenin confirmed that the Hexblade will not be featured when the RPG launches but noted that the developer "absolutely researched the class when we implemented the changes to the Warlock," naming "small details, like attack modifiers," alongside the aforementioned extra attack. "The problem is that the weapons are balanced around the number of attacks per turn, so we added this to make the pact of the blade more interesting." One such pact is the Pact of the Blade, which allows them to devote themselves more to weapons, create a pact weapon related to them, and so on the part of the pact that was missing was the extra attack: a lot of martial classes have an extra attack available and Warlocks don't," Lead Systems Designer Nick Pechenin said in an interview with via Google Translate. You can check out the YouTube video below."Warlocks must choose a pact. Bannerlord co-op is seemingly on the horizon. The developers of the Mount and Blade: Bannerlord mod have recently posted a video on YouTube and also shared in a reddit post details about the mod that they are creating and how far they have gotten. Mount and Blade Bannerlord Co-op Reddit Update I personally had tried to get that mod to work both online and in LAN mode but after pulling my hair out for about a week having no success. There was a small mod known as Battle Time in which players could seemingly join in the single players battles together and fight in the same army. Both titles do include a native multiplayer mode, including skirmishes and deathmatch modes but nothing that would let you and a friends army conquer together. One of the most requested features during the series’ span of many years has been a Co-op campaign mode so that you can play through the Single Player sandbox campaign with a friend. Bannerlord was one of the most anticipated sequels of all time and now that it is finally released in early access fans of the series, (including myself) have a chance to once again conquer Calradia with all new factions and an all new map set 200 years before the previous title, Mount and Blade: Warband.

Mount and Blade: Bannerlord was finally released this year after years of development and setbacks. This means that when your purchase a product through a link on our site we may earn a commission of the sale of the product. For more information click here. Set Ready Game uses affiliate marketing links to fund the site. Mod developers share the progress on the Mount and Blade: Bannerlord co-op mod, currently in development.