This makes sequencing legato easier, particularly because it lessens the need for intensive “sculpting” of the dynamic modulation. I spent a (very) long time re-editing all of the legato transition samples, not only to significantly improve the timing, but also to ensure a more consistent volume envelope. These were mixed together into a single stereo track in the original version of CSS, but in version 1.7.1, you can now control them independently, allowing you much greater freedom to create your own customised sound. Having said that, I really encourage you to experiment with the two spot microphones. I spent a long time getting this balance right, and I feel that this mix should work well in a wide variety of styles and genres. The new mix mic is roomier, yet more detailed – lush, yet powerful. Playing a fast legato line will trigger the runs mode – you don’t need to enable anything or switch anything on or off – just play fast, and the script will do the rest for great-sounding runs. You can play a snappy series of short notes, or a slower, more grand series of accented long notes. Play harder on the keyboard for a more pronounced attack, or to exaggerate a note within a legato phrase. The new marcato articulation is much more powerful – it’s punchy, full of energy and grit, and can easily pull off fast, agile phrases with minimal editing. There are added features like runs and low-latency legato – almost every aspect of the library has been improved, from the sound quality itself, to the editing consistency and scripting, and much more.

This new version of CSS is the result of 2 years of painstaking work.