Statistics show you the information on the number of messages sent, received, delivered, or read. This feature automatically sends a greeting message to your new customers or customers who didn't message for 14 days and helps you to make a good image of your business in the mind of your customers. Set messages to be sent when you are not online or when messages are received after your working hours so that customers don't get disappointed or dissatisfied with your unavailability and get an understanding response by reading a message. This shortcut is used at the time of writing messages with a slash so that you don't have to write the whole message again and again. At the time of savings this reply, you have to create a shortcut. You can save your messages for generally asked questions by customers. Reply to your customers' queries in no time. You can also view the list of different labelled customers. In chats, select a customer and an option of labels will appear, just select it and choose one out of the labels and mark that customer.

WhatsApp Business contains some already created labels, which can be edited by you or you can create labels of your own. Labels of different colors with different tags can be used.

Mark a difference between different customers using labels. Apart from these, you can show other details like your business location, working hours, your business website, business category, email, contact number, etc. You can set your business logo or any other photo as your WhatsApp Business profile just like a WhatsApp profile. Impress your customers by creating an attractive business profile. Here are some exciting features of the app that you must know. It also ensures to make a business impression in the eyes of your customers. It's just like WhatsApp, but with some additional advanced features that help you to enhance your business profile. It is a most useful app for every businessman to make a line between his professional and personal life. How about having a separate WhatsApp for your business purpose? Give your business a professional touch with WhatsApp Business. At the end of this article, you will find our how-to steps which you can follow to install and run WhatsApp Business on PC or MAC. However, if you ever wanted to run WhatsApp Business on Windows PC or MAC you can do so using an Android emulator.

published WhatsApp Business for Android operating system(os) mobile devices. Free download WhatsApp Business for PC Windows or MAC from BrowserCam.